Spinozi’s Weekly Spin on College Football

WED 10/09/24


Game of Thrones fans remember this line very well as the lovely Ygritte had to get Jon Snow in check by uttering a phrase that is now suitable for any freezing cold take, such as MY ENTIRE ARTICLE LAST WEEK. WTH?

I couldn’t have been more wrong about OSU if I were the valedictorian at The University of Wrong. I challenged Cowboy nation to keep their chins up only to watch it get smacked by the Mountaineer mascot but, honestly, I genuinely thought Coach Gundy’s Gang was going to fare well against the invading Mountaineers. Eek! I knew NOTHING! 

U-G-L-Y I ain’t got no alibi, that was ugly (clap clap) yeah ugly!  I did not foresee a complete and utter lack of the basic “will to compete” from everyone involved from players to the coaching staff. Again, I knew NOTHING! 

Hopefully a minute to catch their breath with a bye week can keep this thing from getting completely off the rails but I am now officially out of the “predicting what OSU football will do” business because…say it with me…I KNOW NOTHING! 


Crimson and cream Crazoids…that magic weekend is here! It’s time for the annual kicking of the cow in the Cotton Bowl. It matters not that they’re the #1 team in the nation. Big, fat, hair deal! Bevo got there by complete default. Everybody who’s anybody got beat last weekend when chaos and field storming reigned supreme.

Let’s take a peek at the Shorthorns schedule, shall we? Hmm…cupcake, a Michigan team that returned NO ONE and was incapable of completing a forward pass to the point that they fired their quarterback, cupcake, cupcake and SEC cupcake – Jet Sweep Lebby led Mississippi State. Hope you and your scumbag father-in-law Art Briles are enjoying the hell of Starkville, Jeff!  Oooo, I have a little fire today! I like it!

Meanwhile, Coach Brent and the Boys have just faced back-to-back big boys, got punched in the face, experienced failure AND DID NOT QUIT, made some changes and are now totally battle tested. I like where they are right now.

They’re a FOURTEEN POINT UNDERDOG to their HATED ARCH RIVALS so they’re definitely getting’ the old Rodney Dangerfield, “No Respect”. I don’t like that. I LOVE that!

What have you done to earn respect boys? Nothing yet, but a win over #1 Texas could become that one STATEMENT WIN Brent Venables needs to fully put his stamp on the OU program and serve notice that they don’t sweat the likes of Missouri, Alabama, Ole Miss and LSU.

THE ONLY THING that could be sweeter than serving notice and a statement win…would be doing so with a corn dog in one hand, a cold beer in a wax cup in the other as you watch a nation of Puke Orange Cow Worshipping Freaks do the walk of shame out of the Cotton Bowl as you wipe your feet on their hopes and dreams! 









Have fun in Dallas ya maniacs and fire some Horns Down at ‘em for me! Thanks for reading. 

– Your buddy, your Texas hating pal Spinozi

THU 10/03/24

Good Lord Lorrie

What’s up, Animals? It’s absolutely ridiculous that it’s already Week 6 of the college football season. Even more insane is that 6 weeks from now it’s going to be the week before Thanksgiving. What the what? 

And this may be even harder to believe for Cowboy nation, but, do you realize that after Saturday’s game with West Virginia, you only have TWO more home games? Man, oh, man! So, more than ever, put the last 2 weeks in the rear-view mirror and enjoy the day.

I know last week was tough to watch and I was right there with ya. They gave Ollie the football and Ollie did Ollie things. I mean, really good Ollie things and it looked like that running game you expected to roll over from last year was back….until…THEY STOPPED GIVING HIM THE FOOTBALL!! In my head I heard young Teabag screaming, “KASEY DUNN!” 

I apologize for that outburst. Emoji I just told you to quit looking in the rear-view mirror and, there I was, right behind you jumping up and down and yelling. Sometimes, I just can’t be trusted, but look ahead we shall, because EVEN THOUGH you just took 2 straight slaps to the yap…Utah and Kansas State have both been beaten already and have lots more landmines on their schedule. I honestly don’t see any team in the Big 12 who’s going to get through the conference schedule unscathed. They’ve all got 7 more games to get through and I believe this entire league could completely cannibalize itself to the point of a pair of 2 loss teams meeting for the Big 12 title. So, just channel the great Lloyd Christmas (if you don’t get this reference I don’t know if we can hang out – Jim Carrey – Dumb & Dumber)…anyway…channel the great Lloyd Christmas and say, “So, you’re telling me there’s a chance.”  YES! There is a chance. Just handle yo bi’ness and dream of carnage and chaos around the rest of the league. Phil and I once did a morning show called Carnage and Chaos in Albuquerque. Of course, he was Chaos!

You feelin’ better now? I certainly do. I can totally talk myself into anything. Don’t judge.

Oh, and if that light at the end of the tunnel (please don’t be a train) didn’t make you feel better, something A LOT better than bad football will be played at the Boone in April! Cross Canadian Ragweed’s gonna jam the joint and they’re giving a portion of the proceeds to OSU’s N.I.L. program. How cool is that? Good for those dudes! They’re also bringing along some of their buddies…The Great Divide, Jason Boland and the Stragglers, Stoney Larue AND…looking back to the title of this week’s article, The Turnpike Troubadours who gave us the gift of one of my all-time faves, “Good Lord Lorrie”. LOVE THAT SONG –  “here I sit with the dark haired daughter of Southwest Arkansas”.

So, get this week’s tailgate ready. Pack up all your favorite snacks, cocktails & beers AKA frosty wheat sodas, chill-burgers or Big Lebrewskis AND don’t forget the tunes, because I am rolling up to Stilly to crash tailgates and I am definitely heading for any party where I hear, “Well good lord Lorrie, I love you, Could it go more wrong.” I love those lyrics, because with music and football, sometimes it does all go to complete Emoji…but the ride was totally worth it. Go Pokes!

Crimson and Cream Crazoids, you’re off this week to savor that crazy win at Auburn, but I’ll be back with you next week to prep for the beatdown of those puke orange, cow worshipping freaks from Austin. There’s always time for a quick joke though…

An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Sooner and a Longhorn were in a plane that was in a nose dive because it weighed too much. Seeing no alternative, the Englishman steps to the door and cries, “God Save the Queen” and jumps out of the plane to his death. Not to be outdone, the Frenchman steps to the door and says, “Viva la France” and jumps out of the plane to his death. Finally, the Sooner takes the Shorthorn by the shoulders, steps to the door and cries out, “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You!!!” and pushes the Longhorn out of the plane. Emoji 

Thank for reading. Hope to see you on Saturday. I’ll be the tall guy!

Stay Frosty. Your buddy, your pal, Ronald David Dominic Benton Spinozi Inigo Montoya You Killed My Father Prepare To Die.

WED 09/25/24


Before the 1983 NBA Playoffs, my favorite NBA player ever, Moses Malone, made a bold proclamation. When a reporter asked how the playoffs would run, he answered with the now famous, “Fo Fo Fo” meaning a sweep in 3 straight series on the way to a ring. It did NOT, however, go exactly as planned, going, “Fo, Fi, Fo” because they lost a game to the Bucks in the Conference Finals, but nonetheless, “Fo, Fo, Fo” was in our lives and lexicon to stay.

The reason I opened with that is, that, this weekend, we have FOUR floundering teams, with FOUR angry fanbases and those FOUR floundering, angry groups have to play each other…thus, I have dubbed this…

“Wounded Animal Weekend”

…in the great state, because most wounded animals don’t normally just roll over and die. Oh, no! They actually get meaner and nastier and NOT to be messed with, and that’s what I think we have with OSU, OU, Auburn and Kansas State.

As for what I said last week about OU and OSU, I wish I could tell you I was drunk when I wrote that, but I was stone sober when I shared what ended up becoming ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. EEEK!  I heaped praise upon Jackson Arnold and Alan Bowman who proceeded to take that praise and COMPLETELY FALL APART! Bowman did rally the troops after getting a “time out” from Coach Gundy but Arnold’s replacement was MUCH BETTER than him, so he lost his gig for the time being.

SO, breaking down the wounded animals:

OSU – Just don’t suck! When you play well and don’t hand the ball to the bad guys, you kick all manner of butt. I don’t know if they’re ever gonna get Ollie going, but this would be a REALLY good time, cuz Alan could seriously use the help. The defense was fantastic, though, despite being left out there all day!

OU – You have a new QB, who looked poised, athletic, competent, skilled, fierce (the cartwheel into the end zone told you all you need to know about that) AND, most importantly, he made an offense work with ZERO running game, a “not so good” offensive line” or the services of WR’s Nic Anderson or Andrel Anthony. He put the whole thing on his back and rolled so I can’t wait to see him with a week’s worth of work with the first team under his belt.

AUBURN – They succeed on offense, except for that whole turning the ball over thing. Bless their hearts, the Tigers have 13 TD passes, which is pretty good after 4 games, BUT, 8 INT’s added to 6 fumbles which, altogether, has turned Hugh Freeze into a babbling buffoon. If the Sooners can get an early pick and score, I think War Eagle Nation will turn on each other and wouldn’t that be grand.

KANSAS STATE – Gotta tell ya, didn’t see this one coming! I saw them as one of 4 or 5 teams getting to Arlington, especially after tearing Arizona a new one, BUT, then they turn right around and get their heads kicked in at BYU so I’ve got nothing. Maybe BYU is really good. We’ll see, but that one was a shocker so they are gonna be BIG MAD 11 a.m. Saturday morning so a slow start would be a VERY BAD THING Cowboys!

Now, having said all of that, I have no idea which version of any of these ABSOLUTELY MADDENING TEAMS is going to do, but I’m going to wake up bright and early (7:30-9 a.m. Show time from The Grand Casino) and I am going to be totally psyched to see what unfolds.

A quarter of the season has already blown by so PLEASE keep savoring the Saturdays. Oh, and if you’re heading to Auburn make sure to find Mark on Friday broadcasting LIVE from The Southeastern Bar where they have DOLLAR BUSCH LIGHTS and 2 DOLLAR KAMIKAZES. What the what??

BANZAI, BOOMER SOONER AND PISTOLS FIRING! Have fun ya maniacs. Your buddy, your pal, Ronald David Dominic Benton Spinozi AKA Insane Artist on the Wu Tang Name Generator. Peace!

FRI 09/20/24


What’s up Animals? I hope everyone had an enjoyable and productive week and hopefully you got a chance to slide out to the Great State Fair for fried food deliciousness…because all of that is behind us now!

I’ve been the guy telling you for 3 weeks to just enjoy and embrace each moment of football Nirvana, even if the Sooners or Cowboys were on the struggle bus for a minute (and they have each struggled)

So, even after 3 weeks of solid victories for the Sooners and Cowboys…questions…man, we got ‘em:

Why can’t anybody run the football? 

– Ollie Gordon ran like Forrest Gump last season and this year, behind as experienced an Offensive Line as there has EVER been in college football, they just can’t get him going.  However, I do like that they decided, “If you’re going to pay that much attention to Ollie, we’ll just go ahead and use him as a decoy and tear you a new one with our play-action passing game.” 

– As for OU, outside of a couple long runs by running backs in that game 1 massacre, Jackson Arnold has been THE ONLY RUNNING GAME for the kids in Crimson. Last week against Tulane, he was SPECIAL in that department, though, showing poise, elusiveness and a great burst and basically put the game on his back. The dude’s takin’ some hits, though, and the big nasties coming for him in the SEC will be faster and stronger. Sliding is fine, young man, but I do dig the toughness. 

As for other things I’ve liked…OSU’s lack of running game has forced Alan Bowman to throw the football and he’s done so with great success, other than the first half against Arkansas. His squadron of receivers was already as good as you could ever want with Brennan Presley, DeZhaun Stribling and Rashod Owens. So, now, with the emergence of Talyn Shettron and the young Tight End (who is always open) Josh Ford, this a VERY dangerous team to try and defend.

As for the OSU defense…they’ve made big plays when they’ve needed them and despite the loss of Collin Oliver, I think they’ve got enough to keep opponents from outscoring what that offense is going to produce.

Moving over to OU….you simply have to hope that the return of a few offensive linemen, combined with getting Nic Anderson back at receiver is going to give Jackson Arnold the help he needs to succeed.  I don’t know if the O is going to get to a level where they expect to outscore people this year. So, thank goodness that defense looks like it’s ready, willing and fully capable of keeping it close and taking the football away to put the O in a good position to score.

Look, I haven’t told you anything you don’t already know, but I was just hoping that writing it, or reading it from your standpoint, would somehow be therapeutic and keep me from FREAKING OUT tonight and tomorrow morning when I wake up on game day.

It has NOT!!! I have nothing else to assure you of a win or anything that dooms your team because the first 3 weeks have taught me NOTHING…zero, zilch, nada, GOOSE EGG!

If you’re going to be in either of those stadiums tomorrow, you need to lose your **** mind and make a bunch of noise. The Sooners and Cowboys have HUGE jobs ahead of them and you can ABSOLUTELY make a difference, so, as my friend Bob Stoops once said, “Raise a ruckus.”

Have fun. Be safe. I CAN’T WAIT until 3 p.m. on Saturday!

Pistols Firing. Boomer Sooner. Thanks for reading, Your buddy, your pal, Spinozi

WED 09/11/24


My Sooner and Cowboy friends, yeah, I know last weekend took years off your life, but the end is the least fun part of your life, so don’t sweat it! OU and OSU ARE 2 AND 0!! Is that not where we thought we’d be right now? Yes. Yes it is!

How we got there…I didn’t see that coming either…but, despite the fact that they both scared the crap out of us…they’re 2 and 0! 

Ask a Notre Dame fan if they’d take 2 and 0 right now. You damn right, that leprechaun would be dancing right now. Ask an Auburn fan if they’d take 2 and 0 right now…and you damn right they’d be VERY GRATEFUL for a 16-12 win as opposed to getting their faces kicked in by the Cal Bears, of all people.

Was it not exhilarating when the Pokes came storming back from a 21-7 deficit to get that amazing defensive stand in overtime??  Hell yeah!

Was it not exhilarating to see that big nasty on the OU defensive line come storming through traffic for a safety to pretty much end things in Norman? Hell yeah, the sequel!

People stand in line and pay big money to watch scary movies. I don’t get this one, but respect!! Whatever it takes to get you on the edge of your seat…you LOVE IT!

Others wait in the cold and spend money to be chased by a mask wearing maniac with a chainsaw in a haunted house! What is that all about?? Again, though, it scares you in all the best ways!

Other people wait in line for 45 minutes at amusement park to have an insane rollercoaster toss, turn and scare the Bejesus out of ‘em. This one, I totally understand. I’m the guy in the seat in front of you with his hands in the air on the way up that first big hill. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!

The point of all of this is…having no choice but to hold your breath and hope for the best is the BEST THING EVER and our two favorite teams delivered that IN FINE FASHION on Saturday!  Sooner fans, 51-3 against Temple can’t possibly compare with pacing back and forth and yelling at the TV. Cowboy Crazies…what you got to experience last week was so much more fun than beating Cincinatti within an inch of their lives last year, 45-13.

At some point, these 2 teams’ failures may cost ‘em…  but it hasn’t happened yet and here’s a thought…YOUR TEAM CAN GET BETTER. LOTS BETTER!

As pointed out to me by young Teabag this week, OSU was 2-2 last season following back-to-back losses to South Alabama and Iowa State before….they ripped off 7 of their next 8 to earn an invite to Arlington for the Big 12 title game. That was a fun ride, right?

Carey also pointed out that in 2015, in Baker’s first season as the starter, he was upside down, 17-0, at Tennessee and they were showing Trevor Knight A BUNCH on TV, hinting at a change before…a wild, exhilarating 31-24 win in double overtime. Baker! Baker!

Again, you go out of your way to make your heart beat faster in every other part of your life…so just enjoy the best and worst that the Cowboys and Sooners will give us this year. You only get 12 of these guaranteed each Fall…and 17% of ‘em are gone already!  So enjoy, embrace, breath, yell, scream, then listen to maniacs calling the postgame show losing their BLEEP.

I love football!! Boomer Sooner & Pistols Firing! 3 and 0 awaits!  Thanks for reading. Your buddy, your pal – Spinozi

THU 09/05/24

What’s happenin’ ya maniacs?? Holy ****!  Does it not seem like a month and a half since OU & OSU played? I need some football!

Howevah, before we move forward, let’s revisit last week’s chat where I felt VERY confident that the Sooners would give Temple a beatdown…and they did. BUT, all I’ve heard this week on this here radio station is griping, complaining and wringing of hands over a 51-3 win and it just cracks me up! Finding something wrong with a 48 point win ANYTIME is like focusing on a pimple on Miss America’s backside, to which I say, “Why you lookin’ there?” There’s so many other good things to look at”, such as: 

  • 4 TD passes for young Jackson Arnold & zero mistakes!
  • 220 yards rushing at 6 yards a carry
  • 6 Turnovers for the D including 6 sacks and 9 tackles for a loss
  • A scoop and score TD on special teams
  • AND THEY THREW TO THE TIGHT END…OVER THE MIDDLE! (Thank you for all the texts every time that happens, by the way. It cracks me up!)

I’m good with all of that!! Expecting a finished product in week 1 with a new QB and a new Offensive Coordinator is RIDICULOUS! Did ya hear me…RIDICULOUS?  

Houston will be a nice little step up in competition this week, so, let’s collectively take a breath AND ACTUALLY ENJOY this thing we wait for all year! Football is fun, right? So…relax, embrace and come have a shot with me! You know where to find me! South end of the bar…Lake Hefner.

Sooners win BIG over the Cougars! 

As for Coach Gundy’s Gang in Stillwater…solid, solid, solid and well done! They handled their bi’ness against a very salty South Dakota squad and something I was wondering about heading into the season played itself out. Since you know every defense is going to stack the box to stop Ollie Gordon…why not use that to your advantage and turn Alan Bowman loose with a little play action? Am I right? Yes, I am!  

Ollie still got his with 28 carries for 126 yards, BUT, the law firm of Stribling, Owens & Presley combined to haul in 17 catches for almost 200 yards and a pair of scores. That “Trifecta of Terror” wide receiver group is going to crush souls this season and the aged one, Alan Bowman was sharp, crisp and everything you want your QB to be. 

As for the defense…the Jackrabbits’ QB uncharacteristically missed a couple WIDE OPEN dudes or it could have been much closer, but all in all, the Cowboys slammed the door, forcing 3 straight punts to end the game, so that’s more than a passing grade in week 1.

This week….WOO PIG SOOEY opened up a 70-ZIPPO can on Arkansas Pine Bluff, so they’re rollin’ into the Boone feeling pretty good about themselves. The Hogs’ QB, 6’6”, 230 pound, Taylen Green presents a WHOLE DIFFERENT set of problems to deal with after throwing 2 TD passes and running for another pair. He’s a beast!

It’s a huge jump up in competition for both sides, but I have complete confidence that the Pokes completely understand their identity and when things get crazy and uncomfortable, they’ll be much better prepared to deal with adversity.

Get wild Paddle People…your boys will need you this week!

I’m goin’ 31-21 Pokes. A win and a cover for those of you who are so inclined.

Have a great weekend and please remember…we only get 12 of these a year…so HAVE FUN AND ENJOY each and every gut-wrenching, nail-biting, pacing and losing your **** mind minute of it! I’ll be right there with ya! 

Boomer Sooner / Pistols Firing

Thanks for reading, Your Buddy, Your Pal Spinozi

WED 08/28/24

Here’s a weekly spin on College Football from your buddy, your pal Spinozi…

2024, The Season of Change is upon us!

OU moves to the SEC with a brand new Offensive Coordinator, a new Defensive Coordinator, a new starting QB and a brand new Offensive line. AND…they have to play 6, count ‘em SIX Top 25 Conference games.


You wouldn’t wish this on your worst enemy, right? Okay, OSU fans, I know you would. Behave yourselves. I’ll be with you in a minute.


  1. Young Jackson Arnold – Give me composure, take care of the football & take shots when they’re available. Otherwise, hand the ball off about 50 times so we can see….
  2. The Brand New O. Line – Let’s see the big’uns eat and grow as a group…And after all that running….wait for it…
  3. PLAY ACTION – TIGHT END OVER THE MIDDLE!!! Welcome to the party Bauer Sharp!! According to Cale Gundy, he was one of the 2 most impressive Offensive players in camp, SO THROW HIM THE BALL…OVER THE MIDDLE…A LOT!
  4. The other impressive guy, according to Cale, is the dude who WOWED us in the Spring, WR Deion Burks. I can’t wait to see him terrorize secondaries!!
  5. I also can’t wait to lay my eyes on this year’s version of Brent Venables defense. I see good things. I see VERY good things!!!



Coming off a Big 12 Title Game appearance, there were only 3 things Mike Gundy needed to concern himself with this offseason:

  1. Finding a Brinks truck full of money to pay Ollie Gordon. Check. 
  2. Fix the Defense –  Nardo needs to cook.  We’ll see here. 
  3. FIGHT COMPLACENCY!  — When you bring back as many players as the Cowboys do this Fall, it’s easy to see why they could have quite a bit of confidence and feel pretty good about themselves & last season. 

BUT, ya know what fixes that? How ‘bout a team that hasn’t lost since September of 2022! The South Dakota State Jackrabbits are not showing up for a paycheck or cheese fries!! They are back-to-back FCS National Champions, winners of TWENTY NINE STRAIGHT and they have the best FCS player in the country in QB, Mark Gronowski, who threw twice as many TD’s as Alan Bowman last season. 


I think the Sooners & Cowboys will both be impressive and a Happy Labor Day weekend will be had by all. Enjoy your time ya hardworking Animals! Have fun. Be safe. See you on the radio bright and early.

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